A derived data type is a derivative or structure of existing base types or other derived types. 派生数据类型是已有的基本类型或其他派生类型的一个派生物或结构。
The migrating behaviors of the deleterious elements in coals could be derived from the integrative effect of some factors such as the element occurrence, maceral type and content and mineral structure in coals 煤中有害元素的迁移行为,与元素赋存状态、显微组分种类与含量、煤中矿物结构等多元因素有关
At the same time, the idea of Seismic design for the Structures of buildings also changes quietly. Because the traditional seismic structure have limitations and disadvantages in certain circumstances, so slowly derived a new type of "seismic isolation" structure. 与此同时,建筑物结构抗震设计的理念也悄悄发生着改变,由于传统的抗震结构在某些特殊的情况下有其局限性及弊端,所以慢慢衍生出一种新型的隔震结构。